In view of the World Down Syndrome Day celebrations, the Youth with Disabilities Empowerment Platform organized its Annual Down Syndrome Campaign on social media from 1 March to 21 March 2022.
The World Down Syndrome Day is a global awareness campaign observed every year. On this day, persons with Down syndrome and those living and working with them throughout the world organise and participate in activities and events to raise public awareness and create a global voice to advocate for the rights, inclusion and the wellbeing of people with Down Syndrome.
Our awareness campaign aimed at advocating for the inclusion of individuals with Down Syndrome in Mauritius. With the participation of our members, their parents, families and friends, we gathered a few pointers of what inclusion means to them.
To us, inclusion means:
Equal opportunities and equal chances;
Being recognized;
Full and effective participation;
Being motivated and valued;
An inclusive system of education;
Celebrating differences;
Living independently;
Vocational trainings and opportunities;
Unity and diversity;
Being provided with an adequate standard of living
Awareness raising;
Family and community support and engagement;
Implementing adequate policies and practices;
Being a full and valued member of society;
Equal access to the highest attainable standard of medical care without discrimination;
Being involved in the decision-making process; and
To see the good and beauty in everyone and everything and to change others' perceptions.
According to Down Syndrome International inclusion is NOT:
Consultations that are inaccessible due to the use of complex language;
Resourcing a child to fit the system;
Consulting with the support person rather than the individual;
When a child is 'coping well';
Paying people less based on their disability;
Only for disability organizations;
Assuming that a person's complaint is a part of their disability without exploring other factors;
A separate desk at the back of the class;
Underestimating what people with Down syndrome can do;
Having people with disabilities present but not being able to take part;
Denial of healthcare because of one's disability;
Receiving more support than is necessary;
"Special jobs" for people with Down syndrome;
Just consulting people after all decisions have been made.
Check out our self advocates below!
