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Our wide-ranging services seek to train and empower our members in the employment sector. for their full inclusion in society. We coach and guide them accordingly, through several training classes, courses, workshops, and conferences.

Begum showing off an eco bag she made from scratch

Outings and Cultural Activities and Events

We organize regular social and cultural events and outings, including trips to Rodrigues, to provide our members with leisure activities.

Outing with members of the YWDEP

Eco Bag Fabrication Workshop


This project seeks to directly empower our members of age with self-employment opportunities, while also eliminating the use of plastic bags in Mauritius.

Our members design, fabricate, market and sell creative eco-bags. All funds go directly to them.

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Empowerment Weekend

This residential project consists of a two-day conference, workshops and activities in the form of an Inclusive Residential Camp, covering two axes of intervention: One for persons with disabilities and the other, for their parents.

The objective behind this project is to provide training, empowerment sessions, and advocacy trainings on various matters in relation to parents of children with disabilities, in an environment where their children also benefit from leisure activities.


Our Empowerment Weekends consist of:-

1. Training sessions and lectures by experts a number of specific fields, including the rights of persons with disabilities; inclusive education; accessibility; healthcare; access to justice; employment and independent living; sexuality; sign language and many more;

2. Sharing a support group;

3. Learning, sharing, and discussing with persons in the similar situations;

4. Respite and recreational and cultural activities for persons with disabilities.



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